Too tired to blog (And its too hot in Toronto today) Yes sirreeeee! I'm too tired!
I've been using J.O.E to keep some notes related to work. Works great!, but some improvements could be made (I guess it would be JOE developer domain?)
For ToDo type items, make it movable across.. okay I don't know what the heck I'm talking about, but I want to keep this node here, in case I can remember it later.
It would be great if I could keep a JOE outline somewhere, or at least sync it some where.. I guess I could upload it to Yahoo /documents and then apply it when I come back home, but that's too kludgy (even though I'm probably gonna end up doing this)
It would be great if we could link back to items in a previous todo list or an item in a todo list that you start work on but its not finished yet?
Should I do it? I feel bad, but the more I delay it, the more I'm gonna get attached to the team.. I am notorius for not being able to make my mind. This is NOT good! if you don't make a decision, decisions are MADE for you.. What am I waiting for? the time is now, "business or bust"!!
Today I did some calculations. If I figure in the 4 hours commuting everyday, I'm making less money than I was before! If I calculated the per/hour take home, it would be even less!!!
What the heck was I thinking? I never do the due diligence that I should..
Is this stuff too personal? should I be putting it here? oh well.. what the heck!
10:00:33 PM