Failure is a Bitch! and Failure is relative!
Well I was gonna say something profound, but in true ADD sufferer fashion, I forgot what it was, but to expand upon the witty title above, its just that you start out with all these ideas, and in the end (or in the middle, whichever the case might be) you start to realize that it prolly aint gonna happen. This realization is a total bitch!
Nelly Furtoado screams on the horn... "..and shit is gonna flyyyyeeee!!!"...
On a lighter note, I'm almost ready to get an iBook. The thing is, don't know if the Fido Wireless modem service would work with it. Ahaa.. that is what I was going to check out. Plone is shaping up quickly, and that is good! Maybe I can start a blog on Plone pretty soon??
Off we go to search on Fido for Mac Compatibility!
Update: Well, It only works with PC's so far. I'm wondering if VirtualPC on an iBook would be able to cover this, the thing is, does iBook have standard Type II slots? Anyways, looks like I might end up getting something in the way of a PC, but that would suck ASS!!
Update II: So I looked at the entry level iBook. The main reason is to get the 10GB iPod. Why the fuck won't Apple actually create one for USB 2 and market it for Windows computers? I mean this is the kinda shit that got Apple in trouble in the first place, but its been said before, and I'm just speaking from an almost-new consumer perspective, so Fuck It apple! do it your way you Fuckers! Anyways, here is the price breakdown for an iBook:
- Base (700mhzG3/128mb/20gb/12inchTFT/DVD/CDRW) -- 2399
- Upgrade memory to 384 -- 180
- iPod (ouch) -- 799
- subtotal: -- 3378
- GST/PST: -- 506
- Total: 3884
- Rebate -- (150)
- Net: 3734.00
8:21:41 AM