Saturday, May 4, 2002
I tend to agree with this article. The demon-like nature of "fulltimers" who base their worth on getting early and leaving late.. scares me!
Here's a quote from the article...
"Generalizing a little, part-timers are better employees first of all because they are more disciplined. It is an item of faith among part-timers with young children that they are more efficient than their full-time (usually male) counterparts, because they canít procrastinate. They simply have to get everything done by 5.30pm in order to relieve the child care."
5:52:50 PM
C# striking a chord with programmers. Microsoft's new programming language is gaining in popularity, with usage nearly doubling in the last six months, a study shows. [CNET News.com]
I think its more tinkering around and stuff (also the need for developers to put C# or any new language in their resumes' "buzzword" section) hehehe
11:15:38 AM
The statistical analysis of war. The American Scientist has an interesting article on statistical analysis of war, based upon the work of British meteorologist Lewis Fry Richardson (who is primarily known for his work on fractals and weather prediction). [kuro5hin.org]
11:12:01 AM
This is something Radio users would like! Dave should give these types of utilities a special place on his front page. Kit 1.0.1 is a popular set of interfaces and utilities for Radio 8 as Dave Winer's blog entry points out.
WARNING!! Do Not publish your pages to system or system/pages !! publish them to system/kit. The docs don't mention this, you'll have a bunch of stuff sitting in your system folder which is just plain ugly!
10:52:30 AM
Jenny the Librarian: "I'm glad SonicBlue is going to fight this order."
Jenny puts some strong argument against the fascist court order that forces a service provider to spy on its customers for the sake of appeasing a dying entertainment industry used to shoving their crap down paying customers' throats.. Yaaaay! Go Jenny!!!
10:50:19 AM
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