Shipping the Prototype good enough in code and weblogs but NOT in Articles.
Today's somewhat weekly OReillyNet Python article was an "Python and Apache" article.
Niftily enough, Python's quick learn & churn factors display themself well in working code built within an hour of picking up (and compiling!) the language. Ship that prototype? (<---psst..Guido--3:00!)
Disappointingly, the article seemed similarly prototypish, and should have been passed around the Pythonic editors before shipping. The article takes an anonymous comment flogging.
Moral: Writing has much more social implications than code. Code is an academic argument where writing jumps to religious & political implications. I'm thankful weblogs have set a tone for off-the-cuff writing distanced from the discussion at hand by the suburbanesque privacy hedge of libertarian personal space norms.
Weblogs: Shipping the Prototype in more ways than 1. :-)
Thought of the Day: Perhaps a ship-the-prototype perspective will (has) given folks a more relaxed approached to blogging tool and specification disappointments [just as it has the writing].
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