warblogs.oreilly.com and content sortability.
William Grosso at the O'Reilly Network Weblogs gives an appreciated warblog entry.
It garned much more than the usual 2-5 responses from a noted post.More iraq related what-not at www.oreilly.com.
Food for thought from his Grosso's last political post:
"(as a sidenote: when people I respect for their technological edge start blending their politics into what used to be technical forums, it's not necessarily a good thing. I find Cafe Au Lait's recent political edge really jarring). "
I pretty much agree. If there is to be intermixed, make it slice-able and quickly, easily, discardable. Keep a weblog entry on-topic. Understand your audience. If they're using the service in a public forum (ie. Work), keep it on-focus-able and free from questionable graphics. (That most defenitely applies to the world of free email providers, X-10, diet, fantasytical personal service & what-not advertisers? Yes, that even includes the Internet Explorer browser Address bar default MSN search engine pop-ups and blogger beloved dictionary.com. Grrr...)
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