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Sunday, January 23, 2005

apparently Nova has been having similar ideas.

But I think we may not need to do special things like move stars around in a special configuration such that the "outer" civilization that is running our universe simulation may notice us.

Sometimes I think we (the humans) are too self deprecating. What if WE ARE the essence of everything? what if the whole universe DOES revolve around the earth and us? I mean we really haven't disproved this theory yet.. right? right.

And if a civilization is so advance as to simulate our universe, then I think they may have sensors just in our backyards.. maybe the vibration of a single atom can be registered.. I mean why burden and shackle the potential of this advanced race with the limitation that the primitive humans have in this 20th century?

maybe the idea is that they will watch us and see where it goes? maybe earth is being simulated by none other than earth beings themselves who are fidgeting with some variables to see what route evolution takes if some of the variables are different in "the beginning" ????

so maybe the "researchers" are already aware.. if there are some entities... What I didn't see on Nova's post was a reference to the inherent "hackability" of the universe.

I believe that even if we find out that we are a simulation, there may not be any quick way out of this predicament (quite possibly not even death, because that could be a simulation as part of the "experience" too???? or a way of garbage collection? ) but small advances could be made.. for example, time travel, stellar travel, not by following the rules of physics, but by suspending the rules of "physics". Kind of how the ship in futurama travels.. by moving the universe around itself.

For all we know, all motion, even the motion of a bug, could be this. the retranslation of the universe around us. And that happens because that's the way its supposed to be. Xeno's paradox sez that we shouldn't actully be able to move at all.. but we do. so something freaky maybe going on here..

I think I need to stop using the patch.. it makes me have weird ideas and makes me rant more.

12:52:41 AM    comment []

Vomito de Gato

If Universe is indeed a simulation, then there arise interesting possibilities and questions.

  • On what type of "hardware" does this simulation run?
  • What is the nature of the "software" that simulates the universe?
  • Is it possible to "hack" the universe?
  • Can someone or something that exist within the simulation, change the code?
  • Is that what magic is? Is this how "G*D" operates?
  • What would be the "punishment" of "Breakin-the-law" ???

I think string or super-string theory maybe the answer.

"One string to rule them all
One string to find them,
One string to bring them all,
and in the darkness bind them..."

The point is: The string is the software, and the hardware, the alpha, and the omega, it runs through everything, it simulates every object in the universe, its manifestations are the laws of physics, its congealed forms are matter, time, radiation, gravity... this is why we're all connected.

alast-o be-rabbikum? Qaalu Balaa!

The Unity. There can be no gender? can it? I mean can we say the string is male or female? Is it God? I don't know, does it have to be aware of itself? same thing with a CPU.. is a CPU aware of itself? who knows.
12:33:42 AM    comment []

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