Leuser is a state of mind
I'm starting the process to export this blog out to move it to rantissimo.net at some point. Looking at the design of Radio, it just seems contrived that you _have_ to have this thing on your desktop.. I mean if your server can host and manage the COMMENTs then certainly you can do the same thing with the post. A Post is nothing but the first Comment in a thread (Okay with a title).. but the logic is almost the same.
Why the fuck would you want to put this on the desktop with shitloads of garbage, a scripting language blah blah blah.. I think DW has been beating the radio horse for so fucking long, its not even funny anymore.. but can't mess with someone's bread-n-butter.. ?? or is it more like a cash cow? now?
There is a reason that Six Apart is a multi-million dollar company and Userlsand is just fruking withering away.. when you limit yourself and start thinking like a myopic loser, you don't get very far with the internet user crowd.
Note to self: Try not to act like a TOTAL leuser!
2:15:38 PM