Maratib Al-'Ulum :: Ibn hazm
I'm trying to finish Ibn-e-Hazm's "Maratib-al-uloom" english translation version. This is NOT a review. I picked it up at RIS, along with Avicenna's "Canon of Medicine". What the heck do I care about the canon of medicine, well I just wanted to see how these guys thought. I have never actually bothered to make an effort to read up some of the Muslim scholars. And now that I'm being dissed and presumed guilty due to my name and my skin color, might as well fucking read some shit that these guys were talking about.
What I found was that RIS was a total lame-ass conference except for Imran Khan's speech and some books by the scholars which we seem to have totally frikking forgotten about. Only remembering and perpetuating at times the most violent of rhetoric from the pulpit.
In any case, it might not be a bad idea to have the classic muslim litrature translated and put in a library somewhere so whoever bothers to read will see that its not all what the dickwads in cbc/nbc/ass-be-see would like you to think.
I'm off on a tangent here. back to ibn'e Hazm's book and I intend to write a summary or review later, but this is just something or other, in the meantime that is.
Interesting read. Its interesting to read something from a time period when Chemistry was taking off. He is not very happy about Alchemy , but is real sweet on astronomy, maths, trignometry, Language/Grammer, Lexicography, Logic and Medicine. He also proposes that an academic should partake a little from most sciences. Seems to stress the Interdisciplinary nature of knowledge I guess (or something).
10:58:46 AM