Busy Weekend
This was a busy one! took Friday off! S&S's wedding was on July 6th (saturday). It was fun, and tiring to some extent, but all was well in the end and much fun was had by all.
Went for brunch with Sean & Sonia this morning at the HotHouse Cafe on Front Street.
I've checked out the "Travelling by Cargo Ship" info on the net. Sounds like a great idea. I don't think I'll go through with it though.. Now I need to think how to proceed with the "non 9 to 5" life? Its going to be tough, but.. hey.. this is what you always wanted to do Peshkov! so here it is!!
When RadioUserland exits un-gracefully, it eats the latest day's posts.. this is starting to piss me off.. The Doors post was actually done yesterday, but then I exited and turned off my iBook.. this afternoon when I restarted the machine and RU, the post was gone!!! I think its the "cleanup" code at the exit that does this crap! so i'm gonna have to fish around and get to know RU guts a little better. I almost have half the heart to say EFF-it and go Movable Type, but that just might happen in due time!
Met "I" on Thursday. It was really nice.. the wind was blowing quite hard.. While trying to light her cigarette, I almost set her hair on fire.. Talk about blunders.. but she was cool about it.. she reminds me of someone Serene and Calm from long time ago..
All these posts seem so personal to me.. but I don't feel like posting anything about computers or technology.. or anything..
One thing I want to think about and post about and talk about.. only to make a bigger fool of myself I suppose?
paint it black plays on!!
5:19:43 PM