Monday, June 06, 2005
Our delusional Preznit
Lizzie "Fluffer" Bumiller, Girl Reporter, is at it again. She lets the following pass without comment:
"The idea of people expressing themselves in opposition in government,
then getting a beating, is not our view of how a democracy ought to
work," Mr. Bush said. "It's not the way that you have free elections."
NY Times
Oh my. "Free elections," from the Chief Weasel who stole Election 2000.
But let that pass. After all, I've gotten over that a long time ago.
What really spiked my B.S.S. was this: "The idea
of people expressing themselves in opposition in government, then
getting a beating, is not our view of how a democracy ought to work."
As usual, Bush insults as by assuming we have no
memory at all. Remember people getting beaten up at Republican rallies
during election 2004? Of course you do. (And if you don't, see
especially here
, for the smirk, but also
, and
. Then, of course, there are the people the Republicans get
fired from their jobs
. Or google "MBF watch" in the search box above.) Do you remember Bush
saying one single word condeming his thugs? Of course not. And silence
means consent. Bush sees it, and says nothing. That means he want it to
The question I keep asking myself is this: Is
Bush a liar, or has he gone so far beyond lying that He actually
believes what he says?
NOTE We'll give Bush a free pass on His use of The Royal We ("not
view"), too.
- Lambert
10:03:01 PM
The Friday-Night Presidency.
The Bush exploitation of late Friday afternoons was, at first, almost
amusing. The White House was embracing a long-held practice in
Washington: release bad news when reporters are less likely to be
working, the night before the week's least-read edition of the
But what was comical then became annoying. Then outrageous. Then scandalous.
On this past [...] [The Carpetbagger Report]
9:14:56 AM
Locked Up Like Akon. Mitch
McConnell, the esteemed walking advertisement for pasty discomfort that
represents Kentucky in the Senate, declared yesterday that America has the best prison system in the world.
I'm assuming that McConnell is conflating domestic prisons with
Gitmo, which is problematic in and of itself - there's two sets of laws
that govern each place, so saying that place A where you get a hearing,
a trial and a conviction by jury makes place B where you don't get any
of that better is a completely pointless statement. I also find the
fact that we could reduce costs of imprisonment by hundreds of millions
of dollars simply by not imprisoning non-violent drug offenders a major strike against our prison system.
Most tellingly, "the best" still isn't an excuse for the various
indictments passed down upon the system in recent months. It's a
non-sequitir, McConnell pointing out that his SUV is great for off-road
driving as bystanders are screaming at him about the body underneath
the tire. [Pandagon]
9:12:54 AM
How Not To Make A Point. The worst possible way to argue against a political opponent? Write an article
arguing that everything they're complaining about was already out there
before the major document proving the same thing was released.
Personally, I feel rightfully chastized about the Downing Street
Memo. The years of evidence that I and many others were pointing to in
support of its central thesis prove, paradoxically, that there's no
point and no use to it. If it were really important, we wouldn't
already know about the corruption it lays out. Thank you, James
Robbins, for disqualifying the entire logical evidentiary process. It
needed to be done. [Pandagon]
9:12:09 AM
Delay: New Ethics Allegations
And the "drip, drip, drip" of Tom Delay's battle continues in the
Washington Post, this morning. But, John Bolton's nomination took
centre stage on the Sunday shows, this morning, giving Delay a much
needed day of rest. FOX News Sunday had this to say about it, while
most of the other shows ignored it: WALLACE: "The Washington Post"
reports that air fare for a trip to London and Scotland in 2000 by
then-House Majority Leader Tom DeLay was charged to the...
- Rory
[Sunday Morning Talk]
6:55:28 AM
Cheney Stumping for Reichert.
The veep will be coming to Seattle today raise money for Rep.
Dave Reichert (WA-8). My local mole inside more respectable Democratic
circles sent me the following info on the planned protest: See details
below and try to come down...
[Pacific Views]
6:54:30 AM
Rock 'Em, Sock 'Em Democrats.
No no no...in the post-Dean Democratic party, the real question isn't
why Donny Fowler threw a punch at Bob Brigham, it's whether or not Bob
Brigham threw a punch back.... [Ezra Klein]
6:51:16 AM
Towards A More Perfect Union
The NYTimes reports today
that, thanks to changes in government formulas calculating how much
students and their parents should pay toward college before receiving
financial aid, this year fewer people than ever will be able to afford
higher education:
"The Department of Education says that any changes to the formula are
driven by a legal obligation to keep it current, reflecting what
families can...
- Riggsveda
6:50:03 AM
The war in letters
The recruiter lied to them
Sending Our Children Off to War
Published: June 6, 2005
To the Editor:
The obvious question between the lines of "Growing Problem for Military
Recruiters: Parents" (front page, June 3) is, Where do our leaders in
Washington stand on this issue? They are parents, too, and they
overwhelmingly support the war in Iraq. Are they encouraging their
children to enlist?
When President Bush stands in the Rose Garden
extolling the virtues of the war in Iraq, I wonder: What are Jenna and
Barbara doing this summer? The disturbing reality is that the children
of the men who decided to take our country to war are pursuing the
cushy, safe jobs of the elite while other people's children are
fighting and dying.
Isn't leadership more than mere words?
Barbara Ash
Weston, Conn., June 3, 2005
To the Editor:
After two decades of enlisted and commissioned Army service, on active
duty and in the Reserve (including a year in Iraq), I have but one
response to parents who resist attempts to recruit their children into
the armed forces: "Well done."
The most common refrain heard in the Army is,
"My recruiter lied to me." Self-deprecating and a bit of an inside
joke, it remains a phrase nearly everyone in the Army can relate to.
Travel, adventure, high-tech equipment. Cargo
planes with no seats, weeks without hot showers, latrines scrubbed with
tin buckets and wooden brushes. My recruiter lied to me!
Russell Burgos
Thousand Oaks, Calif., June 3, 2005
Will they ever ask why the Bush twins have never enlisted?
[The News Blog]
6:48:59 AM
© Copyright
Michael Mussington.
Last update:
7/1/2005; 6:37:28 AM.