Sunday, November 10, 2002
The Cluetrain Manifesto
Came across The Cluetrain Manifesto at Half-Price Books today and made a note to myself to check it out later. Electronic version here.
Writing question: If your page presentation is configured to underline an HTML link, do you need to bother to add underlining?
By the way... Welcome to The Writer's Garden portion of our weblog. This is my wife's (Tam) portion of our "profesional" (not aimed at friends and family) blog. She is the comprehensive reader and educated writer/linguist in the house and will at least produce the best book reviews and commentaries here. I seem to cover a third to half of most of the books I get into. Determing how many are posts also go to the Home Page will be determined by the frequency of posts, and at a later date. The title may also change, as I see this is a fairly redundant name already...
11:50:30 PM
The glue that binds a community and k-log together.
Thanks, Phil, for these great new/updated features: updates, referrers, and rankings. After I get a proper aggregator setup, I'll look into the production of those as RSS feeds.
This kind of feedback, competition, and point-system are the gaming factors (I'd say game theory but that has potential heavy math repercussions) that push blogging ahead of standward websites. ..And pushed Radio up on my purchase priority list. Even though the server's free, it would have been warm-fuzzy my purchase included an amazon-esque referrel commision for the PyCS developers and host.
BTW, I think I mispelled repercussions, anyone got a live link for Dogma 2k?
11:29:08 PM
What is a rutabaga? Googling minds want to know.
Noticed I rank well on Rutabaga searches on Google. (Well, Rutabaga+word)
Wikipedia doesn't have a specific page, but informs us a Rutabaga is another name for the Yellow Turnip. Or, the 'swede'. :-/ I'm mostly Norwegian, but have some Swedish and other european heritage. All I can say is: "One thousand Swede's ran through the weeds..."
And if you're looking for Rutubaga pics, pictures, images: Google image search returns plenty of results, including a much too large record setter. Lucky for me, there aren't any square ones.
7:35:12 PM
Greetings! ...been out for a bit.
Got some birthday money and decided to purchase Radio instead of bid a Tandy TRS-80 Pocket Computer this beyond my sentimental values worth. It went to a collector, so may end up in an appropriate museum or something later, and a connection to put my Color Computer stuff in a more appreciated venue.
Plans for the next few months: A few more categories, blogs by my wife (probably marked with -Tam) and hopefully more nifty decorations and links on the right and left side, and improved RSS & friends functionality.
We had a fun Halloween.
7:19:00 PM
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Dean Goodmanson.
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12/2/2002; 8:59:46 PM.
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