Global Guerrillas
John Robb (of Userland etc.) Global Guerrillas has a very interesting analysis of the ongoing insurgencies and their effect on the global power relations.
One of the very few people who are looking at the ongoing insurgencies in this way. I mean the Iraq, and the Chechen insurgencies. Not to mention the analysis of the currently, steadily ramping up insurgency in Saudi Arabia.
I tend to agree. I think one thread that combines all these insurgencies is "Islamism". I have my theories about the rise of the religious fundamentalism in tradionally Muslim societies. I havent seen anything about Kashmir and Palestine in there, but those are not geo-strategically (read Petro) important insurrections of the Muslim populations. And both seem to be under state control in both examples.
I found this through John Robb's other blog, and I think I'll keep an eye on this blog for a while. I need to put some links (eg; Alireza in the left pane.). I wish using Radio wasn't such a pain. Half these entries on the left bar, I don't even visit any more (salaampax, fucked world, Seth's blog.. who's Seth? is it Set Goldin? what does Seth do? I have no firggin idea.. but I got him on the blogroll.. so much for purpose and focus and all that stuff.. No offence Seth, my dear chap..
and who the fuck still does "warwalking"??? that is so 2002!!
5:06:02 PM