I have discovered Ruby again!! Looked at some of the Ruby on rails stuff and lookes like it can do the job of the community site that I was thinking about..
is this adeiu [sp] to Plone? Not sure, but Plone is way too sophisticated (read over-engineered) for what I want to do. When I get around to doing a total freak out portal for a 120k employee company, I'll give Plone a call.
Or, maybe, I'll just use Ruby On Rails.
Check out the video docs, especially the 22mb file.. You'll be amazed. At least I was.
Using movies of a task is such an intuitive way of documenting things. A movie is worth a thoushand doc pages... w00t!!!
I just realized that the version of Radio I have is really very old and it doesn't allow titles for my posts.. WTF..
maybe I'll use the blog app written in rubyon rails.. Its her site and its a demo too.. The code (zipped)is here..
I still need to figure out what the ISP requirements are.
8:32:12 PM