quinta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2003
 Ontem a assessoria de imprensa do Ars Electronica publicou um press release sobre novidades em 2004, mais especificamente na premiação que entrega o almejado Golden Nica (ver imagem). Há pontos muito interessantes: Another innovation this year is a spin-off of the Prix Ars Electronica’s u19 freestyle computing category: "the next idea" competition honors outstanding concepts for not-yet-produced projects by artists age 19-27. Entries may be submitted for Prix Ars Electronica consideration from January 12 to March 12, 2004. Mais um: To mark Ars Electronica’s 25th anniversary, the Prix Ars Electronica is expanding the international scope of its activities and focusing on phenomena of tremendous current relevance to Information Society. The new Digital Communities category will recognize exemplary initiatives that are advancing the openness of Information Society. Examples of the activities on which it will focus include collective "blogging" (gathering opinions, information and links) in the Internet, spontaneously congregating "flash mobs" (large-scale assemblies organized online or via cell phone), learning, gaming, and fan communities, e-government portals, and innovative developmental projects in so-called Third World countries. É ou não interessante? UPDATE (26/01/2004): André Lemos, conselheiro editorial de CIBERCULTURA, está fazendo parte do Prix Ars Eletronica como membro do conselho consultivo internacional para a área de "Digital Communities". Além de selecionar as propostas vencedoras, ele vai indicar alguns projetos brasileiros e/ou latino-americanos que serão convidados para se inscreverem. Sugestões são bem-vindas.
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