2005-05-11 |
I started playing with Conversate, a conversation management tool. I
learned about it by reading
Boing Boing. It's part mailing list, part BBS, part blog. I'm not
sure what I'm doing with it yet. More if my conversations pick up.
Related links:
posted at 13:31:44
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2004-08-05 |
Here's a frightening malapropism from President Bush:
"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never
stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and
neither do we" (Emphasis mine).
Ronald Regan onced joked about
bombing the Soviet Union
but we all knew it was a
he made during a sound check. Mr. Bush, on the other hand, was making a serious
speech to the top dogs of the Pentagon.
In 2000, we got the government we deserved. We deserve better in 2004.
posted at 17:39:12
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2004-07-06 |
This just came in on the /dev/null mailing list:
Excerpted: Benton's Communications-related Headlines for 7/6/04
Both the Democratic National Convention and the Republican National
Convention this summer will give media credentials to select bloggers.
Neither party has ever allowed bloggers to cover one of its presidential
conventions firsthand -- and the decision seems to promise a clash of two
very different cultures. The conventions have become carefully staged
productions intended, primarily, to reintroduce the parties' nominees to
the general public. Independent blogs -- especially those focusing on
politics -- are far more freewheeling, their authors mixing fact with
opinion and under no obligation to be either fair or accurate. It is not
clear how the Democratic Party will decide among the more than 60 bloggers
who have applied for credentials. Convention officials said they are
considering three criteria: the size of the blogger's audience, the
"professionalism" of the site and the amount of original material it includes.
[SOURCE: Washington Post, AUTHOR: Brian Faler]
(requires registration)
posted at 12:44:48
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2004-04-02 |
Teasing Orkut |
Orkut has had some e-mail
problems such as sending duplicate e-mail or e-mail with [message
resent] in the subject line. Yesterday, it claimed to have fixed
Weeks ago, my friend
joined at my invitation. Yesterday, Orkut sent me a [message resent]
duplicate of the e-mail that announced Phil's arrival. Here is my
reply without linkage to explain the cultural references:
Dear Phil,
You wrote:
>So I joined the cult now.
>See how this goes.
>This message was sent by Phil Giltner to friends.
Now you sit back and wait. In a while, you'll be famous. You'll be
connected to the entire universe through just three or four friends.
People will send you gifts. Randolph Mantooth will give you his
unlisted telephone number. Aliens will ask you to help them write a
cook book. A clown will visit your house and give you a pony. The
Red Sox will win the World Series.
posted at 10:38:40
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2004-03-09 |
Defense of Marriage |
I can't see why conservatives don't support same-sex marriage as well
as different-sex marriage. It's a matter of faith and the
Constitutional protections it enjoys.
You're married if your church says that you're married. The state has
to honor that or else it is at odds with the constitution. How would
it be if the state could choose which faiths can marry people and
which cannot? It would violate the First Amendment ("Congress
shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof"). It would also violate
the Fourteenth Amendment (Section 1, "No state shall ... deny to
any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the
Another consequence of the First Amendment is that the state can't
compel anyone to practice any religion. For that reason, the state
has to offer the civil equivalent of marriage to anyone who can't or
won't get married in a church.
The state offers legal protection and benefits to married people. It
has to offer them to all married people or violate the First and
Fourteenth Amendments. It can't choose by denomination or lack
thereof (First Amendment) and it can't choose arbitrarily (Fourteenth
Where does that leave us? You can get married by the rules of the
faith of your choice, if one will have you, or you can get married by
the state. Once you're married, you have all of the rights and
responsibilities that all married people have.
Here are two denominations that support same-sex marriage:
More are listed at Partners Task Force for Gay & Lesbian Couples.
posted at 22:07:44
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2004-03-02 |
Orkut |
I've been playing around on
the social web web site. So far, I have three friends, all of whom I've known since high school in the late 1970s.
Those three guys connect me to about 10000 people.
Today, I created an orkut community for graduates of
Bethlehem Central High School
because I'm curious about how connected my classmates are.
posted at 17:38:56
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2004-02-27 |
Looking for a family bbs |
I'm looking for a bulletin board or community message board system
that my extended family can use. If you know of one that meet my
requirements, I'd appreciate it if you'd post a comment here to tell
me about it.
My requirements are:
- as simple to use as Yahoo! Groups
- supports message threading
- supports pictures in postings
- runs under thttpd or provides its own web server (Apache is too complicated for me)
- users have to register with name, e-mail address
- anonymous cowards prohibited from posting
- no moderation required
- doesn't require MySQL (optional)
- requires little or no tweeking to make it ready for use
The thttpd requirement excludes PHP solutions. It probably limits me
to cgi-bin.
I'm playing with two
Zope products,
CMF and
They're both pretty nice but the don't meet my requirements.
If there is an easy way to make them do it, I'd like to know about it.
CMF is too complicated to use. Posting a message requires too many
choices from the user. You don't post directly to the board.
Instead, you publish something on your own, private space within CMS
and it magically finds its way into a thread.
Squishdot doesn't have user registration. Anyone can post. It will
take a little bit of work to make it look right. By default, a
Squishdot site looks like the main Squishdot site, with the Squishdot
logo and everything.
posted at 10:13:04
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2004-02-23 |
As seen on Slashdot and as reported by
Yahoo! News
Low power FM radio
(LPFM) is a great idea. It's another opportunity to build community
and to express minority points of view. It's no wonder that media
giant Clear Channel objects to it: they support the monoculture. That
way lies cultural death. In spite of what the media conglomerates
claim, an LPFM signal doesn't necessarily to interfere with
commercial stations.
You can find LPFM stations near you at the FCC web site.
posted at 11:06:24
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2004-02-10 |
Robert F. Newton |
My friend Bob Newton died 10 years ago today.
He was a smart man, valedictorian or salutatorian of the class of 1980 at
Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk High School,
1984 graduate of
the U. S. Naval Academy,
and a professional
Boy Scout.
Bob was a musican, too. He played the clarinet.
I met Bob when we were in high school. We must have met while on the
staff of
Stratton Mountain Scout Reservation,
a summer camp of the
Governor Clinton Council, which served the Scouts of Albany, Schenectady, and Troy, NY.
Later, along with our friend
Phil Giltner,
we led the Albany county area district of Nimat Lodge 181 of the
Order of the Arrow.
Our friend
Peter Wayner
was part of our cabal, too, I seem to recall. We were all camp staff in those days.
One of the things I remember about Bob from our camp staff days is
that every Sunday he would buy
The New York Times.
He would spend the
rest of the week reading every article. He was probably the best
informed member of the camp staff.
There is a memorial fund for Bob. It's the Uline-Newton
Memorial Fund and it's administered by Twin Rivers Council. The
"Uline" in the name is Jeff Uline, another deceased Scout.
Related linkage:
posted at 15:18:08
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2004-01-29 |
Appalachian Dulcimer Museum |
John at
Smokehouse Winery,
a place that specializes in the making of mead, cider, and
historic beverages, where I have spent several happy hours sampling
meads, is starting a museum about the
appalachian dulcimer. He
I also want to take this opportunity to announce a new vision and
component of the Meadery. Several of you know of my passion for the
instrument known as the appalachain dulcimer (synonyms-'lap'
'strumming' or 'mountain' dulcimer). This wonderful piece of american
folklore is the ONLY indiginous American instrument. Its quiet,
mesmerizing tone harkens back to a simpler day when one could hear
its sing song ring throughout many a blue ridge hollow. The folk
revival of the 60s saw a huge increase in interest in this unique
mountain instrument, its simple, honest tone melting the hearts of
many. Still, no one place (that I know of), houses collections of
these beauties. It is our intention here to spread the word and make
dulcimers accessable to people for viewing and listening. Also to have
information on the makers/players of quality dulcimers
(original people and at present), and dulcimer concerts
occasionally featuring some of the countrys best. I would like to ask
you kind folk for help in acquiring unique/old/quality
dulcimers. Anyone willing to donate an old or unused dulcimer to
the cause is welcome to email or call (540-987-3194). In case some are
unfamiliar with them: they usually have an hourglass figure (sometimes
teardrop, oval or rectangle) usually have 3 or 4 strings and usually
2-4 soundholes (hearts are/were popular). Bless you, anyone who is
nice enough to donate or do homework on it etc. I hope some are
touched and intrigued as I was 20 years ago when first I heard a
lilting translike dulcimer droning away(thanks Dave Cousins, Richard
Thompson et al).
posted at 16:56:16
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2003-12-31 |
Since it's the season for eggnog in North America, I put my favorite
eggnog recipe in the
wiki part of
the blog.
Share and enjoy.
posted at 00:00:48
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2003-12-29 |
A couple of weeks ago, a friend sent me the URL of a poll about Homosexual Marriage
sponsored by
American Family Association.
I took their poll, indicating that I support same-sex marriage.
Bless their hearts! They sent me a recent tally of the results. It
seems that more respondents favor either homosexual marriage or the
economic and political equivalent thereof. Here's the message in the original HTML of the e-mail:
Dear David,
Participation in America[92]s Poll on Homosexual Marriage at marriagepoll.com continues at a steady pace. As of noon Sa
turday, December 28, the results were as follows:
- I oppose legalization of homosexual marriage and [93]civil unions[94] total votes: 201914
- I favor legalization of homosexual marriage total votes: 378691
- I favor a [93]civil union[94] with the full benefits of marriage except for the name: 52238
If you have not already voted, click here to do so. Be sure to forward the poll on to your family and friends.
Only votes that have a valid email address associated with them will be counted. We will be purging those with invalid email addresses, which may cause poll results
to change somewhat.
Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman
American Family Association
P.S. Please forward this email to at least one friend.
posted at 16:39:12
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