Square Rutabaga
They said never be content. So I'm micro-contenting.

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Monday, October 27, 2003
Note to viewers

This Radio Userland Subscription is running out and will not be renewed.

The software usually worked, yet has brought no compelling features in the last year, nor word of any in the following, to merit more cash from me. Yes, I'm cheap, but I'd prefer to be remembered as frugal. See previous post, and remember to tip wait staff based on standard meal cost--not the price you paid splitting a meal and drinking water. ;-)

PyDS version to follow, at some point.

11:48:12 PM    , comment []
Summer 03 Rummage Sale Review

Saturday morning's beckon: "Get out of bed, out of the house, and roam--and don't spend too much."

About 3 weekends a month my family load into the car, pick some sales from the free newspaper, and head in that direction.  Along the way we stop at sales that look interesting, missing the really great stuff that die-hards got at 7:45the previous morning. Tools and yard implements are usually pre-gleaned, leaving toys, books, odds-and-ends, and baby clothes. This year Tam noticed many albums she was interested in, opening a need for a record player that has a working needle and sounds OK while not chewing up the records, and can be hand for around $50. My quest for a riding lawnmower for myself and motorized toys for the boys came up dry, although a free plastic Kawasaki 4-wheeler has been a great pull-around once my Dad and I we pulled the motors out. (Surprisingly each only about as big as a toddlers fist.) I try to limit myself to the silver change I collect over time, but break the rule regularly, especially over something useful. This year Tam imposed a "nothing that has pieces" rules so flash-cards, puzzles, and most board games were out. Guess I got our fill last year. 

Inspired by Simon and the excellent "Craphound".

Now's the point when I try to remember the high points of this year...

  • Pendulum Pool circa 1970's
  • Spirograph, quickly relegated to friends elementary school kids
  • Epson scanner and accompanying computer speakers sans cables
  • Books: 6 Gary Paulsen, Rascal, Soup, plus many others
  • Few early 70's Popular Mechanic's
  • Olive Green Underwood "Deluxe" Typewriter in case--Free! :-)
  • Motherease diaper set+ -- Gold!
  • Box full of PlayDo stuff, fun weekend, storage game
  • Weeble Wabble Marina set -- Another of those always-wanted-when-I-was-young toys
  • "Trials of Life" videos, including "Fighting"--oops!.  Nat'l Geographic toddler "Geo-Kids" are also a hit.
  • Misc: Packing tape gun, Box of light bulbs and batteries,
  • Green rocking chair
  • Big Wheel
  • Dragon brand Pong and Rifle video game (still hidden in truck)
  • Disney book and tape near-set, many "Sing along" videos
  • Trundle bed frame
  • Ping-Pong table w/ goods for community rec-room

11:41:50 PM    , comment []

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Last update: 10/30/2003; 9:41:07 PM.
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