Dave: It may be time to decide how to display OPML docs in HTML browsers.
Why not just render them when they're generated?
Marc Barrot's renderCss macro will make a tree out of an outline with no trouble, and you could use the NetCrucible OPML stuff and make a version of Rogers' script that runs as part of the Radio upstreamer. If Radio has built-in XSLT, you could do the transform there as well, rather than requiring the browser to do it.
When someone saves an OPML outline, the following should happen:
- The OPML file is saved
- The OPML file is rendered and saved as HTML
- Both the OPML and HTML files are uploaded to the server
Then when you want to link to an OPML file, you put two links on your page. One goes to the raw XML, and one goes to the formatted HTML.
This way the processing only ever happens once - you don't get scaling problems as servers aren't required to do anything other than push out bytes.
12:17:14 PM