Monday, February 11, 2002

Before anyone asks, the code will be available via the MIT license through the MosXLand SourceForge project in a couple of days. I need to fix up the preferences a bit.

If there are any volunteer developers to help with interoperability with other Blogger based services, ping me.
11:03:27 PM  pontificate    

Assuming this works, this post was actually composed in OmniWeb's source editor. It was posted via a little app called RadioServices that is a blend of Cocoa Services and AppleScript Studio. Did it work...?


It did work! Cool-- now I can post to radio from any application that has services. I can take advantage of the spell/grammar checker in Word... use Project Builder's code formatter... edit Tables and other HTML markup via WebObjects Builder... easily post the output of a command in the terminal. Simply select the text and shift-cmd-R (App->Services->Post To Radio. I can even make posts on the train without a net connection.

OS X Services + Radio Desktop + Cocoa + AS Studio + 1 hour = All of OS X is now a Blog editing/posting machine!
10:07:59 PM  pontificate