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Sunday, February 23, 2003

We came together

We came together
to grow apart
passing right through each other

two lines in the sand
what they were doing there.

disappearing in the mists of time
two seem

10:45:28 AM    comment []


Car culture
Drowning in its own phlegm

10:21:02 AM    comment []

I have to praise you..

We've come a long long way together,
Through the hard times and the good,
I have have to celebrate you baby,
I have to praise you like I should

We've come a long long way together,
Through the hard times and the good,
I have have to celebrate you baby,
I have to praise you like I should

I have to praise you
I have to praise you
I have to praise you
I have to praise you like I should

10:17:09 AM    comment []

Saturday, February 22, 2003

Watergate does not bother me

Does your conscience bother you?

Topics for today: Being Smoke free (or how I learned to love myself .. literally) futility of that thing that they call.. etc. etc.

So anyhooo, I haven't smoked for 2 weeks straight. Its harder in the apartment then while I'm staying outta town at the client site. That's cuz my freeeeking neighbour smokes like a chimney!!! I don't need to smoke.. just need to venture out into the hallway.. I'll get my nicotine.. okay, maybe I'm "hyperbolizing" but I can smell it now, and its pretty bad.

Another item of interest is the ludicrous attitudes of the american and british governments. Millions of people, marching in hundreds of cities, -- way before these corporate backstabbers turned "public servants" have chance to start a completely unjust and greedy death party -- is being downplayed by ape turned president as nothing to be concerned about. The audacity of the current elite really rivals their french couterparts a mere few hundred years ago.

Anyhow.. its wonderful.. its superb..

I need to start working on being the king of my castle pretty soon!
8:09:07 PM    comment []

Sunday, February 16, 2003

Smoke Free for a Week!

Okay, this may not seem like much to the casual observer, but its been pretty hard stay sober for this long before. Sober may not be the right term, but I don't know what else to call it because I do think of smoking as addiction.

I must say I was initially inspired by Dave's quitting smoking and did try it after his operation, but couldn't keep it up. This time its different. Different because sometimes you have things other than smoking that may bring joy into your life. Hmm.. the J word.. I always thought it was so cheesy.. Somehow I don't seem to mind cheese and mush these days.

So its been 1 week to the hour that I have stopped smoking. The cravings have been really bad. I even made a list of Why/WhyNOTs and its in my wallet. :) I also subscribed to the Health Canada newsletter that kind of reminds you everyday about why quitting is good. You know.. sometimes that's all the gentle nudge you need to stay on course.

I almost gave in last night to the cravings.. it was really bad. I almost wanted to go get a pack. I've been on nicotine gum, but at least I'm trying to break the habit of lighting up when I'm stressed. I think that imperceptibly, I'm taking less nicotine .. even though sometimes the cravings are baaaaad!

I haven't dreamt about smoking, but I'm sure it would happen if I went cold turkey. I wonder what quitting with nicotine gum is called? Cold Chicken?
11:22:36 AM    comment []

Odds and Evens

I've been away.. on the road.. for so long it seems. It seems that the ritual of travel that started in Pakistan hasn't really finished. I remembered on our way back from Bhurban, I was wondering if married lives of people turn out like their honeymoon trips? If ours was like that then it would be full of journeys. But I wouldn't mind that at all.

One thing that I have bitched and moaned about radio before is the lack of support for remote blogging. What about people who want to blog from different places? I mean it really sucked that I couldn't blog from home. I would have loved to login everyday and blog things happening.. but maybe that wasn't such a bad thing.. maybe I would have missed out on the happenings while I was busy reporting on it. Still, I seriously need to go to MT or something of that sort..

It takes guts, -- and balls and whatever other organs your value system has assigned to courage -- to write about personal things in your blog. Fortunately most people who ever come to this blog are interested in the OSX documentation that I have here somewhere. I haven't been ranting and raving here of late. I wonder if the name is actually warranted. But I like the name, and I promis I will rant from time to time just so the lease on insanity doesn't expire. ;-)
11:07:32 AM    comment []

Saturday, February 1, 2003

So long Columbia

Its unfortunate that after such a long hiatus in my blogging activity, the first thing that I am going to post is going to be about Columbia.

Mission Control at Huoston: Last communication with Columbia occured at 8:00am central time...

I just saw the breaking news and the footage. No doubt in my mind that the shuttle has broken up during descent. May the souls of the astronauts rest in peace and may their families find the courage to deal with this tragedy.

I still remember the day Challenger blew up. I was in Government college Iqbal hostel and I saw the replay on TV. I still remember where I was, how I was told and how I watched it on tv as if in slowmotion.

Somehow a space shuttle loss always seems more tragic.. don't know why.

To the astronauts.. May you rest in peace.
10:12:47 AM    comment []

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