I got to the convention center today around 2, after walking about 4 miles in the wrong direction from my hotel. While I was on the plane, the Twisted/Divmod folks released Twisted 2.0 and Nevow 0.4, which is very cool, of course. I'll probably use Nevow 0.4 in Minnow (which I'll put up for download soon, I promise).
I spent some time rounding out the XML-RPC APIs for Minnow (a rant on the state of those APIs later), and hacking together a couple quick CRUD screens for web-based weblog administration.
Anyways, it was great meeting/seeing everyone - what a great community! All the sprint rooms are packed with all sorts of different people, old and young, hacking together, Quite a sight to behold- I don't think any other language has such a vibrant and active community..