Peter's Blog 20.6.2004



Itunes was released in the uk while I was away on holiday so now I've had my first try. The price looks good to me: 80p for just the tracks I want and I can listen to 30 second previews of any track to make sure I am not buying filler material.

It's kinda fun exploring the archive, seeing how comprehensive it is. It only has 'partial albums' of some old 70's stuff from my youth (Jeff Wayne's 'War of the Worlds'?), some are pretty much absent (Steeleye Span) but there are some comprehensive back catalogues (Queen, Tangerine Dream). I have never bought a Slipknot CD but I can dip into tracks like 'People = s**t'.

I don't have an IPod but apparently I can blow CD's so I am not tied to listening to music while sitting at a pc.

Looks good to me. It's also the first time I've ever used any Apple product.

posted at 19:52:48    #    comment []    trackback []
June 2004
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