Peter's Blog 22.5.2004



I used to get very little spam at work since the company email was protected by SurfControl spam filter. It's a cruddy program with limited MTA features but it does a valiant job in fighting off the spam, most of which fails a DNS PTR record lookup.

Recently I was added to an email group which started 'it@' and since then I have started to get spam since this is fairly easily guessable compared to my initials. Also I started to get cron alerts, ISA server port attack alerts, Sophos sweep virus scan alerts (a 1Mb list of encrypted files that cannot be scanned, no viruses) and assorted other stuff, making it hard to find real email amongst the noise.

So I had a reason to setup SpamBayes. It's cool and it already doing a good job of getting rid of this stuff. I set it up as a pop3 proxy running on a debian box that uses fetchmail to read my email accounts, exim MTA and qpopper for pop3. I have Big Plans for the box to archive my project related email so I can hyperlink to it from my project notes. I like the power of using an exim .forward file to run a python script on my email: limitless power.

I have 270MBytes of email archives trapped in outlook proprietary format. I have dabbled in writing outlook macros but they are incredibly flaky: it randomly stops running then from mail rules for no apparent reason (silently unchecking the box that enables them). At least the .forward file activities get logged somewhere.

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May 2004
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A blog documenting Peter's dabblings with Python, Gentoo Linux and any other cool toys he comes across.

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