I've decided to give the Python Desktop Server (http://pyds.muensterland.org/) a try. It seems to be almost a clone of Radio UserLand and from the website screenshots it looks ok. I'm having to build it from source, there is a debian package for it but it did not work (missing modules). There are steps on the website to build it which are almost bash scripts. Something called MetaKit has gone up a point release which caused a slight glitch. The build instructions want python 2.2 so I've used that, even though I would prefer to use version 2.3, mainly because I like to use true and false.
I'm trying pyds because:
It's python
I was tempted by Zope again because I found debian packages to set it up but they did not work so I retreated. This would have been Zope+CMF+Plone which is about as big a learning curve as conversational chinese. Also I could not find a nice Zope RSS Aggregator
It uses DocUtils and Cheetah, technology I like.
I downloaded gnoppix for a play. I downloaded it to the server as it was a 700M iso image and I didn't want to restart if my pc hung (which it didn't). It downloaded to the server at 100kb/s which was neat. When I copied it to the pc it only transferred at 200kb/s which I put down to the PCMCIA networking on the server. It's a 100MHz network (RJ45, whatever it's called) but that does not seem to matter. I was doing some ripping with RealOne which hung twice and the second time it lockd out the CD so I didn't get round to blowing the CD.