Peter's Blog 30.12.2003


I haven't mentioned christmas but it was memorable..

I haven't mentioned christmas but it was memorable for a headache that lasted for 4 days. Not alcohol related. It was joined by nausea which I now attibute to taking two paracetamol at a time. This may have been happening for years.

After a week with no gym I had terrible withdawl cramps in my legs. Went today and now the cramps are gone but my right knee is sore from what feels like overuse of weights. Gym: just say no.

posted at 21:21:04    #    comment []    trackback []

Re-enabled VIA on-board sound and it Just Worked.

Re-enabled VIA on-board sound and it Just Worked. Find myself listening to Windows Media Player. I'm just going with the flow these days.

Spent a few hours trying to set up but now it's screwed, looks like I've lost access control to the server, gives a login box for "hosting.xp". WTF. Dunno if it was me messing about or coincidentally the server snuffed.

After eulogising about my new Hotsync cable the FT stopped hotsyncing, however much I waggle the connector. It still charges the palm but ARGH. Addendum, after study under a bright light, I can get it to work by pushing it sideways. The alignment of the pins f.s not great. Also the latch that is supposed to hold it in place is not wonderful.

posted at 20:10:40    #    comment []    trackback []

After quite a while now of constant use the PC..

After quite a while now of constant use the PC locked up again. I'll turn the h/w acceleration down.

posted at 18:11:12    #    comment []    trackback []

Whoopee, palm cable works.

Whoopee, palm cable works. In some ways I think I prefer it to the cradle:

  • Don't have to take leather cover off

  • Can write on the palm much more easily (like I am now)

  • No need for seperate PSU


  • No hotsync button

I'll keep using the cradle at home, the cable can be based at work.

posted at 16:07:28    #    comment []    trackback []

Bought a sync/charge cable for palm, £20 at..

Bought a sync/charge cable for palm, £20 at Staples. It should be good for 3 things:

  1. Charging palm in car with car adapter. Now I can leave home with no worries

  2. Charging palm at work via USB. It is a pain when it needs charging there

  3. Syncing at work without messing with bluetooth.

The packet says it is for a M500 series so here's hoping it will work with a Tungsten.

posted at 10:37:52    #    comment []    trackback []

PC still up but no 3D on screensaver, just a..

PC still up but no 3D on screensaver, just a floating box moaning about a lack of DirectX. Increased the acceleration by 1.

posted at 09:06:08    #    comment []    trackback []

Ran PC on a screensaver all night with no problems.

Ran PC on a screensaver all night with no problems. Turned up the acceleration to about half way so DirectX is disabled.

Laptop is running fine under Windows 98. Get 50k/sec transfers so internet is quite usable. Mozilla refuses to run. Firebird gave an error about missing function in an OLE library so installed IE6 to upgrade everything and firebird ran fine. Ironic, using IE6 as a patch to get another browser going.


  • Set up windows networking

  • Try VNC

  • Give laptop a swap partition

  • Investigate wakeup from standby: timed or network event.

posted at 08:25:36    #    comment []    trackback []

Tunde predicted that we are going to have twins, a..

Tunde predicted that we are going to have twins, a boy and a girl.

posted at 08:23:28    #    comment []    trackback []
December 2003
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A blog documenting Peter's dabblings with Python, Gentoo Linux and any other cool toys he comes across.

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