Peter's Blog 23.12.2003


Got THE christmas present, only my bother's to go.

Got THE christmas present, only my bother's to go. Murder in town this lunch time. I'll set a Todo in DateBk5 to make me do it in October next year.

posted at 15:33:20    #    comment []    trackback []

My sceen protector is getting a bit tired.

My sceen protector is getting a bit tired. Looking back through the journal I have been using it since 8th Nov, 6 weeks. They are £15 for13 in PC World so that is about 13*6=78 weeks or18 months worth.

They also had USB hotsync cradles for£25 but I think I'd rather get a cheapie cable for work (battery life catches me out).

There was also a keyboard for £60 but I'd rather fight against Graffiti.

While writing this I had the bright idea of defining a short cut for pd to give me a pound symbol. The graffiti 2 help does not show the squiggle and the only other way to get it is to open the keyboard, which involves sliding the T2 open :-(

posted at 15:17:20    #    comment []    trackback []
December 2003
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A blog documenting Peter's dabblings with Python, Gentoo Linux and any other cool toys he comes across.

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