2003-12-19 |
Another lockup, on-board audio is gone. |
Another lockup, on-board audio is gone. Listening to Queen while writing this, through palm's tiny loudspeaker.
Transfers are dead slow and the pc died after one track.
posted at 20:32:00
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Now I am impressed. |
Now I am impressed. RealPlayer has seamlessly allowed me to continue with the ripping. It repaired it's database and was away again. MusicMatch regularly messed things up, even when the pc was not rebooted mid-recording.
posted at 20:24:32
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Ok, another death and this time while I was having.. |
Ok, another death and this time while I was having fun playing with ReatPlayer, ripping and preparing to try out real player for palm. The on-board audio is going next, not now, I'm still playing.
posted at 20:20:16
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PC locked up again: |
PC locked up again: pulled DFE 538X, next to go will be VIA on-board sound.
posted at 19:36:32
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Hooray, The best Air Guitar Album in the World Ever.. |
Hooray, The best Air Guitar Album in the World Ever Vol III was in Tesco. It has Gay Bar on it so it's worth buying
because I like that track
to annoy my homophobic wife
posted at 18:29:20
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Christmas party day at work, the first time I have.. |
Christmas party day at work, the first time I have gone for 15 years. Dressed casual and others are wearing suits and bow ties. Better not tell Bisi.
Had to cancel Bisi's dental hygenist appointment and they are going to fine me 20 quid. Bummer.
posted at 11:00:16
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OneAnd0ne hosting is already active. |
OneAnd0ne hosting is already active. Now I can't wait to get home and try it. WebsiteCreator should allow me to knock something up quickly. I want to get a blog up and running.
posted at 10:58:08
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