Python Rocks! and other rants 26.4.2004
Weblog of Kent S Johnson


Wired News: Diebold May Face Criminal Charges

If you think development of voting machines is somehow different from other software/hardware projects you should read this article.

Diebold, manufacturer of voting machines used in California, has been decertified by the state and referred to the state attorney general for possible civil and criminal charges under state election law.

The details sound very familiar to projects I have worked on that were struggling to meet a deadline. For example, a new peripheral was installed days before the election that was still being debugged. The peripheral failed in two counties causing the polls to open late. In addition, "Diebold...installed uncertified software on its voting machines in 17 counties without notifying state officials or, in some cases, even county officials who were affected by the changes."

This behavior is appropriate for a trade show, not a federal election. It's no way to run a democracy.

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Comments about life, the universe and Python, from the imagination of Kent S Johnson.

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© 2004, Kent Johnson