Article List

July 2004
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List of the articles I have published here.

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  • Use Jython to Write Ant Tasks

    This article looks at how to add scripted behaviour to ant builds. It details the steps to write a custom Ant task in jython, compile it and install it into ant so it can be used as any other task in an ant build. The article also takes a quick look at an alternate implementation using Groovy.

  • Jython Bibliography

    This is a Jython bibliography that lists articles, web published pages and books published on Jython in the last few years. I try to keep it as current as possible so please let me know if I've missed anything. The intent is to capture substantial works including articles published only on websites in an effort build up a more current list of works than is on the Jython home page today.

last change 2004-07-15 04:40:32

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