All things Jythonic 8.6.2004

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Jython vs. Groovy smackdown

Kevin Dangoor, over at Blue Sky on Mars has been doing some thinking about Jython and Groovy:

... when looking to do scripting on top of Java, I think Groovy is going to be a great choice. The big trouble with scripting your Java apps in Jython is that you need to make the mental shift over to Python syntax. With Groovy, most legal Java syntax works just fine. So, if the Java-ism for doing something is what comes to mind quickly, you can write it that way. The times when you're trying to really save on some work, you do things in a more Groovy way.

I think part of the power of Jython is that it brings a different way of thinking and almost forces you to look at things in ways that you might not if you were working in the Java idiom. If you are working in Java and Groovy, it might be too easy to just drop down into Java and not take advantage of the power of of the high level language. Using Jython you are truly working in a very high level language...

Just my two cents.

Source: Blue Sky On Mars
posted at 18:15:28    #
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