Chris Putnam has released v3.7 of his bibutils bibliographic conversion utilities. Up until now, the suite of tools did a nice job of converting from BibTeX, RIS, and Endnote to MODS. Now it adds the ability to go from MODS back to those formats. What this means is it provides a sort of universal translator, allowing one to go, for example, from BibTeX to RIS by way of MODS.
BiblioX is "an attempt to create a XML-based system for formatting bibliographic citations and references using XSLT. The recommended Document Type for storing bibliographic information is MODS, the Metadata Object Description Schema. Development is centered around this format, although examples in other formats are included for comparison." BiblioX offers (experimental) support for DocBook, MODS & TEI XML schemata.
Bibster is a Java-based system which assists researchers in managing, searching, and sharing bibliographic metadata (e.g. from BibTeX files) in a peer-to-peer network.
The advantage of the system is it provides the possibility to search on a distributed peer-to-peer network using Semantic Web technologies. It provides an easy way to share data with other researchers.
Thanks to Mark Grimshaw for the pointer to the new home for WIKINDX on sourceforge. WIKINDX is a free web based (php / apache / mysql) bibliography management system. Very cool. They have just recently released 2.0 RC1. Looks very interesting, and since it is multi user ... al sorts of different usage patterns are possible. Take a look!
Mark also pointed me to a bibliography resource I hadn't see before ... Bibliophile (RSS/ATOM).
Bibliophile is an initiative to align the development of bibliographic databases for the web. It aims to promote standards, discussion among users on necessary features and a variety of specific solutions for different fields of research.
The cool thing is that the site is really a blog that aggregates content from member projects. Subscribed!
bib2xhtml 2.12 bib2xhtml is a program that converts BibTeX files into HTML (specifically, XHTML 1.0). The conversion is mostly done by specialized BibTeX style files, derived from a converted bibliography style template. This ensures that the original BibTeX styles are faithfully reproduced. Some post-processing is performed by Perl code. This is an update of the bib2html program written by David Hull in 1996 and maintained by him until 1998.