Ed Taekema - Road Warrior Collaboration 13.7.2004

July 2004
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A blog looking at business communication, knowledge management, scripting tools, OS technology news and other things of interest to mobile tech workers. As I find interesting news this will also contain pointers to thoughts related to configuration managment, change management and general software development.

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Cool Furl Bookmarklets: Info and More Like This

I have found these two bookmarklets to be incredibly useful and offer them here without warranty ... I have tested these on IE and hopefully soon on Firefox.

The first one is FurlInfo. It looks up the current url in your browser and displays the number of times it has been furled, and a quick summary of similar items that were furled by the users that furled that page. Whew. Sorry about the long sentance.

The second one is similar. FurlMoreLikeThis displays the complete set of related furled documents based on the category of the furled page... provided it is furled. The underlying furl service appears to use the categories that group furled pages to search across related items. Its pretty neat because it usually means someone has actually put eyes on the document and made relevancy decisions. I have found this to be a higher quality way to search than using google's similar features.

To use them, simply drag and drop them into your bookmarks in either Mozilla/Firefox or IE. If you are interested in furl, you can sign up for it here. Use in good health and please email me at etaekema-at-earthlink-dot-net if you have trouble with them.


The bookmarklets checkout ok on firefox 0.9.1.

posted at 17:26:24    #

My Favorite PowerPoint Resources

I'm still not entirely sold on PowerPoint the Good But here are some places to looking at to help make it better. This is probably the longest PowerPoint resource list I've seen. From Working Smart - My Favorite PowerPoint Resources:
posted at 02:47:28    #

10 Cool Ways to Use Furl

Thanks to Contentious for the link to Amy Gahran's 10 Cool Ways to Use FURL:

Here are a few of my own:

  1. Use it to update your customers with news of interest in your field ... spontaneous communication channels that self maintain. 
  2. Use it as a way to support group information sharing for people who don't run their own blogs...
  3. Use it to decorate your website... as you bookmark they show up in the side bar of your website.

I agree that using furl for group work is something that is begging for more direct support in the furl toolset.  What I've been doing to help this out is exploring ways of creating a group furl aggragate RSS feed ... and then we each  select a category to share and the aggregated feed picks up that category.  A little cumbersome, but it preserves individual entries from deletion by other group members.

[via Full Circle Associates Online Interaction & Community Blog]

posted at 02:13:20    #
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