Ed Taekema - Road Warrior Collaboration 4.6.2004

June 2004
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A blog looking at business communication, knowledge management, scripting tools, OS technology news and other things of interest to mobile tech workers. As I find interesting news this will also contain pointers to thoughts related to configuration managment, change management and general software development.

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"Search highlighted text in Google" bookmarklet

This is a little gem that I can not live without anymore and its all Sebs fault. He has written a bookmarklet to submit the words highlighted in your browser as a search to google. Way cool. All you have to do is highlight a few words, hit the bookmark and up comes the google search! I tested it in Mozilla 1.6 and it works great. Thanks Seb!

Source: Seb's Open Research
posted at 15:29:04    #

Wikis for Process Development

I've often participated software development process design activities where a new software team or organization sits down writes down their policies and procedures. As organizations get more and more dispersed thanks to outsourcing and globalism etc, the people involved in the this effort are often in different places of the world. The typical way these documents are developed includes a barrage of email discussions which eventually get out of control and then rounds of meetings via teleconference or videoconference ensue to sort of out the mess.

This is a problem for Captain Wiki! Really, the group edit, influence of groupthink to produce consenses, quick editing by anyone, fast comment and review that characterize wiki communities would have a tremendous impact on speeding up the effort not to mention improving the overall quality of the documents.

posted at 13:08:16    #
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.