Politics 25.10.2004


The New Yorker: The Choice

What a scathing, beautiful indictment of this administration. The New Yorker, hardly what anybody would pick as a liberal / progrressive mouthpiece, shreds Bush's presidency in no uncertain words, endorsing a presidential candidate for the first time in 80 years:

The Bush Administration has had success in carrying out its policies and implementing its intentions, aided by majorities—political and, apparently, ideological—in both Houses of Congress. Substantively, however, its record has been one of failure, arrogance, and — strikingly for a team that prided itself on crisp professionalism — incompetence.

And on Kerry:

But the challenger has more to offer than the fact that he is not George W. Bush. In every crucial area of concern to Americans (the economy, health care, the environment, Social Security, the judiciary, national security, foreign policy, the war in Iraq, the fight against terrorism), Kerry offers a clear, corrective alternative to Bush’s curious blend of smugness, radicalism, and demagoguery.

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