A couple of weeks ago, a friend sent me the URL of a poll about Homosexual Marriage
sponsored by
American Family Association.
I took their poll, indicating that I support same-sex marriage.
Bless their hearts! They sent me a recent tally of the results. It
seems that more respondents favor either homosexual marriage or the
economic and political equivalent thereof. Here's the message in the original HTML of the e-mail:
Dear David,
Participation in America[92]s Poll on Homosexual Marriage at marriagepoll.com continues at a steady pace. As of noon Sa
turday, December 28, the results were as follows:
- I oppose legalization of homosexual marriage and [93]civil unions[94] total votes: 201914
- I favor legalization of homosexual marriage total votes: 378691
- I favor a [93]civil union[94] with the full benefits of marriage except for the name: 52238
If you have not already voted, click here to do so. Be sure to forward the poll on to your family and friends.
Only votes that have a valid email address associated with them will be counted. We will be purging those with invalid email addresses, which may cause poll results
to change somewhat.
Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman
American Family Association
P.S. Please forward this email to at least one friend.