2003-12-31 |
Since it's the season for eggnog in North America, I put my favorite
eggnog recipe in the
wiki part of
the blog.
Share and enjoy.
posted at 00:00:48
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2003-12-29 |
A couple of weeks ago, a friend sent me the URL of a poll about Homosexual Marriage
sponsored by
American Family Association.
I took their poll, indicating that I support same-sex marriage.
Bless their hearts! They sent me a recent tally of the results. It
seems that more respondents favor either homosexual marriage or the
economic and political equivalent thereof. Here's the message in the original HTML of the e-mail:
Dear David,
Participation in America[92]s Poll on Homosexual Marriage at marriagepoll.com continues at a steady pace. As of noon Sa
turday, December 28, the results were as follows:
- I oppose legalization of homosexual marriage and [93]civil unions[94] total votes: 201914
- I favor legalization of homosexual marriage total votes: 378691
- I favor a [93]civil union[94] with the full benefits of marriage except for the name: 52238
If you have not already voted, click here to do so. Be sure to forward the poll on to your family and friends.
Only votes that have a valid email address associated with them will be counted. We will be purging those with invalid email addresses, which may cause poll results
to change somewhat.
Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman
American Family Association
P.S. Please forward this email to at least one friend.
posted at 16:39:12
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Best job advertisement |
Subject: HTML O' The Day
From: nev@bostic.com
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2003 21:24:49 -0500 (EST)
To: nev@bostic.com (/dev/null)
posted at 11:29:52
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2003-12-18 |
Religious Fervor and Politics |
Will people go to the polls in 2004?
I should hope so! A margin of 537 votes is too small!.
According to
Lance deHaven-Smith
in an op-ed article published in the September 02, 2002 edition of the
Tallahassee Democrat
the 2000 Presidential Election was won in Florida by
537 votes
. deHaven-Smith points to evidence published by the New York Times and the Washington Post that indicate that
Florida's governor, secretary of state, and speaker of the
House ... used their offices to manipulate the
election controversy and secure Bush's victory. During the
controversy, they collaborated either directly or through
intermediaries with the legal and political advisers of George W. Bush
to: (1) put pressure on the state's top law firms not to work for
Gore; (2) bend the rules on absentee ballots to allow improperly
marked absentee ballots to be counted; (3) block, stall or discredit
manual recounts; and (4) create fears of a constitutional crisis so
that the U.S. Supreme Court would intervene.
If more people had voted, maybe the election wouldn't have been won in
corrupt Florida. Maybe there would have been a clear, obvious, and
uncontestable winner. Then there it wouldn't be reasonable for people like
Michael Moore to refer to
fictitious presidents
national television.
In 2000, Gore won the majority of the popular vote but did not obtain
the majority of electoral votes. That winning national popular vote
does not imply winning the electoral vote and therefore winning the
election is not new and may or may not be controversial. In an
election that was so close, we owe it to ourselves to count the votes
both thoroughly and impartially. After an election, it ought to feel
like the will of the people has been carried out. The 2000 doesn't
have that feel.
Alternative linkage:
posted at 14:48:16
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2003-12-09 |
My Uncle Fred teaches
at an elementary school in suburban Philadelphia. He is on a special
assignment as the K-8 Technology Staff Developer. His home page
contains links to a lot of educationals stuff for kids and teachers.
Uncle Fred has been an elementary school teacher since the 1970s. He
never does anything half-way. His collection of links ought to
document "best practices" in education (if you'll pardon my using a
buzz word).
Side note: I found a link to an interesting
best practices web
site that "contains solutions over 1600 proven solutions from more
than 140 countries to the common social, economic and environmental
problems of an urbanizing world."
posted at 15:23:28
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