Please look in the Picture Gallery for some scans of contact proof sheets
from the first two rolls of T-Max 100 I ran through my new 6x9 camera
last week. The scans are of poor quality in part because I didn't
clean the scanner and in part because the photographer isn't
consistent in exposure. He promises to get better.
Of historical interest are the pictures of Walter Brett and his wife.
They came from an old, Kodak folding camera that used 620 film. They
were taken in the 1950s or 1960s, I think, and they remained in the
camera until a couple of years ago when I stupidly removed them from
the camera. Also stupidly, I let them sit around the house until I
had them developed this week. Only two pictures survived. The rest
were fogged beyond repair.
Here's one of Kim from the gallery.