Thursday, 6 June 2002
RSS now generated
You should now be able to subscribe to the RSS feed for this weblog. I've set it to always include the last 3 days' worth of posts, which should be enough to let everyone catch it, assuming they run their aggregators once every few days.
I thought it was broken a minute ago and then realised I hadn't made any posts for three days ;-)
posted by Phillip Pearson at 6/06/2002 9:31:52 p.m.
Oops, no, it actually *was* broken
Heh - turns out it was trying to grab the posts that were *-3* days old, i.e. ones that won't be posted for three days. Thus always zero. Let's try that again.
posted by Phillip Pearson at 6/06/2002 9:33:31 p.m.