Wednesday, 10 September 2003 |
I think I just got the Topic Exchange generating exactly the right output for Radio to be happy pinging it.
With any luck, this will show up on the topic_exchange channel.
This post appears in channels: topic_exchange, topics_in_weblogs
9:31:05 PM
And it worked!!!
9:28:19 PM
OK, and I get a "Can't evaluate the expression because the name "title" hasn't been defined." in weblogData.posts.[00000067].trackback.outbound.urls.[http://home.topicexchange.com/t/test/].errorstring now. Is it because the last post didn't have a title?
9:27:34 PM
Haha - reason found. Radio doesn't like it when I misspell dc:identifier as dc:identifer :-) Test.
9:25:32 PM
Hmm, doesn't it like the RDF?
8:46:53 PM
That didn't work. Let's try manual trackback for the moment.
8:43:08 PM
Tracking back to the Topic Exchange test server ...
8:40:55 PM
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