from __future__ import * 11.1.2004


(Not Python Related) seems to be like the "friendster for business contacts". I think the idea is pretty interesting, and could even serve to replace/augment traditional job searching for two reasons: most business seems to happen through personal contacts anyways, and it can serve as a "trust metric" (a la advogato).

As far as the implementation goes, it seems these guys have a decent enough idea about how to build a web application. The site is nearly all text (but not XHTML, it's loose HTML4 transitional). There's three things that stand out, it runs on Solaris/Netscape-Enterprise (old school), the URLs are short (screams of custom software), and (nearly?) all traffic goes over SSL! I don't know how much traffic they get, but the site is sure a lot faster than friendster and I haven't seen any JDBC errors yet ;)

A quick search shows that I don't seem to actually know anyone currently on, so feel free to sign up or invite me. My email is pretty easy to get ahold of if you don't already have it.

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