Yerba Buena Nursery
We headed over to Pescadero State Beach and Bean Hollow State Beach today.
On the way, we stopped off at Yerba Buena Nursery. Amazing place. They have an incredible collection of California native plants as well as exotic ferns. The nursery is nestled into a valley and is reached by driving down -- way down -- a winding gravel/dirt road for about 2 miles off of Skyline Boulevard. This is the most "not to scale" map ever as every bit of that drive follows very windy roads over the mountain.
Amazing place. The photo is one of about a billion lichens growing on the various fences and "open walls" used throughout the nursery. I am looking forward to returning for a full tour.
We picked up a couple of drought resistant plants that should do well in the front of the house along the driveway.
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ReSTedit gains significant new features.

So, after slogging long and hard through the wee hours of the night, ReSTedit now supports non-contiguous selection and columnar selection. Simply cmd-drag to extend the selection in a non-contiguous manner and option-drag to make a columnar selection.
It was really really hard to do.
Yup. That is all a pack of lies outside of that ReSTedit now has said features. I didn't do anything other than notice a new feature in Cocoa's Text subsystem. All Cocoa apps now support these features which means, of course, that all PyObjC apps support these features, as well.
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