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Phillip Pearson: Re: [PyCS-devel] Search referral extractions?

Ah, yes, there are some interesting rules about what gets shown and
what doesn't. When I moved it all over to SQL I tried to replicate
what Georg had done before, but I'm not sure if I got it quite right.

> Quick note (not much research..)
> I was surprised to see that there are a number of
> search entries not listed in the search word hit:

... which does this query:

"SELECT hit_time, referrer, hit_count, search_engine, search_term FROM
pycs_referrers WHERE usernum=%d AND usergroup=%s AND
is_search_engine='t' ORDER BY "+order_criteria+" DESC LIMIT 100",
(usernum, group)

(order_criteria is either 'hit_time', 'hit_count' or 'referrer').

> Which were in the exhaustive referral list:

... which does this query:

"SELECT hit_time, referrer, hit_count FROM pycs_referrers WHERE
usernum=%d AND usergroup=%s "+search_criteria+" ORDER BY
"+order_criteria+" DESC LIMIT 100", (usernum, group)

(order_criteria is as above, and search_criteria is blank for full=1
or when there are less than 30 search engine hits, otherwise "AND

> At first I thought it was due to obscure search engine
> results, but now see that google referrals are also
> missed.
> Folks DO come to my site for more than Rutabagas! ;-)

Interesting... I can't see why you would be missing Google results
unless the counter isn't properly setting is_search_engine when it
gets them. Hmm. Can you point out one for me where there's a result
on the referrers page but not on the searches page?

> p.s. Thanks Phil for the Adsense option. Getting much
> results from my count-on-one-hand hits/day?

I've earned $9.20 this month from AdSense, from ads shown on your
blog, my blog, and the Topic Exchange. Not sure how many came via
your ads :)


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