Updated: 7/8/03; 7:14:05.
Mac OS X - OS Archetype

Tuesday, July 8, 2003

From the PyObjC site: PyObjC 1.0b1 is available. The improvements include:

  • Improved performance and stability
  • Better tutorials and examples
  • Initial support for MacOS X 10.1
  • Support for the WebKit framework
  • Write plugin bundles in Python (requires Python 2.3)

The PyObjC installer package installs the Python packages for use with the Apple provided Python 2.2 on MacOS X 10.2 as well as a number of project builder templates.
7:07:07 AM    The Soapbox

Sunday, July 6, 2003

Looking for a simple CMS system that can utilize the web tools built into Mac OS X? Rodin may provide the right mix for you. PHP, MySQL and Apache are the components required, and OS X has them. Check out the Rodin homepage to find out more.
1:23:28 AM    The Soapbox

Tuesday, June 3, 2003

via mozKit.net: "Barebones Software, which has been around since the dawn of the WWW, has come up with a novel idea. They are taking orders for their The Limited Edition BBEdit Anthology. This is a collection of every final commercial release of BBEdit since the first one 10 years ago, including the latest version, BBEdit 7.0."

Yes, BBEdit is by far the best text editor going on the Mac. Congrats to the BBEdit Team!
11:58:46 PM    The Soapbox

Sunday, May 18, 2003

Sun has joined the RSS movement. You can now access Sun's latest published headlines in three categories of interest:
Java Technology Highlights Java Technology Highlights
Wireless Technology Highlights Wireless Technology Highlights
Solaris Technology Highlights Solaris Technology Highlights

If you need the latest news from Sun, why not pick-up a feed and let your news reader streamline your hunt.

8:21:08 PM    The Soapbox

Thursday, May 15, 2003

Are you an OS X Radio UserLand user? If so, you need to go over to Circus Ponies and take advantage of their competitive upgrade offer for their multi-purpose tool, Notebook. Until Sunday midnight (PST), you can pick-up the $99.00 offering for $10.00.

Notebook provides a creative way of assembling your computing resources into a searchable digital notebook. I am just beginning to scratch the surface and I am already quite pleased.
10:59:54 PM    The Soapbox

Wednesday, May 7, 2003

via Apple.com: "The 10.2.6 Update delivers enhanced functionality and improved reliability for the following applications, services and technologies: Address Book, Graphics, Printing, OpenGL, and PC Card and USB hub device compatibility."
1:35:35 AM    The Soapbox

Tuesday, May 6, 2003

via the Inquirer: "Freedom to innovate. Yeah right.... After years of watching it do what it does so well, Microsoft has decided that Apple's co-ordination of developing machines with the software they'll run is just what the industry needs."
11:59:07 PM    The Soapbox

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