Approval Voting Campaign

Notes from the President of "Citizens for Approval Voting"

by Robert "Rock" Howard

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[ Feb ]

Copyright (c) 2003,
   by Robert "Rock" Howard

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First Contact

My first job for this organization is to contact the people who have already publicly advocated Approval Voting and get them involved with the organization. My efforts here were aided by co-founder Rob LeGrand who posted a few notes about AAV to the Election Methods discussion list and sent email to a few people. My first call was to Steven J. Brams, a professor in the department of politics at New York University. Professor Brams wrote the book Approval Voting in 1982 and remains an active advocate as is seen in this recent article.

The call went fantastic. Professor Brams is very supportive and tentatively volunteered to serve on the Board of Directors. He has great ideas about how to spread the word about Approval Voting and win support from different political circles. He even joined our Yahoo Discussion group.

Today I will make some more calls to other potential leaders of this organization. I will also flesh out the plan to officially launch the organization and hopefully move that plan forward a bit.